Lena Marie
Digital Painting
Comic/Cartoon Art
A photo project I did that tells a story. The theme of these photos is rediscovering the world through innocent
and child like eyes. This is a story of a boy who has to be a cartographer for his people and rediscover
nature and remnants of what was left by people from the past.
"A Flower Makes you Beautiful"
"I Have to Draw this Plant for Back Home"
"It's Safest to Stay Where Water is"
"Even if No One is Inside, I Should Still Knock."
"No Ones Watching, I Bet I Could Reach it."
"I Wonder What he Did to be so Important."
"It Must of Been Hard to Make These Kind of Things."
"I Just Want to Reach this One Thing."
"Trains must of Been Super Cool."
"How Can a Sky be so Blue?"
"I Feel Like Ghosts Would Live Here."
"The Forrest Just Goes on for Forever, Doesn't It?"
"Nothing is scarier Than Water."
"I Feel so Much Higher than the World Here."
"I'm so Far From Home, and I Wish I had New Shoes."
"The World is so Different Now."
"I Officially Have a Job I Need to do."
"It's Always so Cold Outside, I Wish I Could go Home."
"All I Want is to Have My Bed Back."
"Something About This Just Doesn't Feel Right."
"People Will See the World Through Me."